
The Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy offers theoretical knowledge and practical training in field of pharmaceutical sciences. The students have courses of organic and inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, etc. To become a pharmacist the student has to obtain knowledge of therapeutic roles of drugs, pharmacodynamics, side effects, potential interactions between drugs, standards of pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution. Furthermore, a pharmacist should be able to interpret this knowledge accessibly to patients. provides information about 4 Bachelor programs in Pharmacy at 4 universities in Moldova. Furthermore, you can choose one of 4 Bachelor programs in Pharmacy at 4 universities, 1 Master program in Pharmacy at 1 university, and 1 PhD program in Pharmacy at 1 university.

The faculty trains pharmaceutists - specialists in the field of medicine, the technology of their preparation and analysis, the organization of medicine service to the population.

The boys and girls who have chosen pharmacy as their speciality as well as other students of the Medical University study for the first tow years social, medico-biological and chemical disciplines. The following three years are given to the study of pharmaceutical disciplines: pharmacognozy, technology, pharmaceutical chemistry, the organization and economy of pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmatherapy etc. The fifth year is set for practice as well as for specialization on five specialities which the students can have at the best drug-stores, analytical laboratories of Moldova and "Farmaco" plant.

At the pharmaceutical faculty works the first in our country educational-practical drug-store, which is equipped with the most up-to-date installation and computer tehnology. The growing of medical plants has been organized on an experimental plant in one of the most beautiful corners of our republic - the rezervation "Kodru"